You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.6. KITTING Menu: Micronet Kitting System > 1.6.7. Kitting - Works Orders > Creating a New Works Order

Creating a New Works Order

Use this procedure to create a new manual works order for a kit item.


Technical Tip

Micronet creates a works order automatically when you use the Trial Kitting and Auto Kitting programs. To load these works orders, refer to "Works Order Creation - File - Load HORD".


Micronet displays the Works Order Creation screen.

  1. In the Debtors Number field, enter or select the ID of the debtor you are creating the works order for.

You can use a partial key search by pressing the Enter key to display the Debtor Selection screen.

When you have entered or selected a debtor, Micronet displays the Works Order Creation Header screen.

For information about using this screen, refer to "Maintaining the Works Order Creation Header".